New Chair Appointed – Leeds GP Confederation
After fulfilling the role of Chair of the Leeds GP Confederation for four years, Dr Chris Mills has stepped down. This triggered an election with the successful candidate being Dr George Winder who has taken up the Chair of the Leeds GP Confederation from 1st January 2023.
George is a GP Partner at Oakwood Lane Practice and a Clinical Director of the Seacroft Primary Care Network and as such understands the challenges different populations face from some of the city’s most economically deprived streets, to some of its most gilded.
George has held leadership roles in the city, developing a wide network of experience and cross organisational working throughout Health and Social Care in Leeds.
“The Confederation is vital to ensure that in increasingly challenging environments General Practice flourishes whatever shape, coming together at scale where it makes sense.” We welcome George to the Chair role but give thanks and gratitude to Dr Chris Mills who was instrumental in not only establishing the Leeds GP Confederation, but has guided its development into the organisation it is now, a key part of the Health & Care system in Leeds.