5 As of Access

‘Access’ is a word used all the time within the context of general practice and the wider system; but what is it? People don’t all have the same understanding of the word ‘access’. Access is complex and multi-faceted, and much broader than about offering more appointments.

Have a look at the below 5 As of Access; a reminder of the different aspects of access, and questions we can ask ourselves when planning any work in Primary Care.


Is the service friendly and accessible for all?

  • Is it easy for all to understand how to access the service?
  • Is the service easy to reach? What does patient feedback say?
  • Are the Accessible Information Standards met?
  • Are staff adequately trained regarding accessibility and communication?


Are all services accessible regardless of patient characteristics?

  • Are different communities’ health, cultural and social beliefs considered? And the impacts of this recognised?
  • Is the service equitable for all? What processes are in place to know this?
  • How are changes to services communication with people?


Do people have different options to access depending on need?

  • How are people’s identified needs responded to?
  • Is the physical environment accessible?
  • What solutions are available to address digital and language barriers?
  • Is the service timely?


Have considerations about costs been made?

  • For example, cost of taking time off work, cost of transport, cost of caring


Is the service shaped by population need?

  • Are services suitable for different communities? What do patients feedback?
  • Have they been shaped by patient feedback and need?