To be added to the mailing list or for any meeting invites please email

Lead Nurse Forum (LNF)
Peer led forum for sharing ideas, insights, and support. Information sharing across Primary Care to Nursing Leads for dissemination to the wider workforce.
Includes Lead Nurses in GP surgeries or groups
12:30 – 14:00
Thursday 13th February
Friday 11th April
Wednesday 11th June
Wednesday 13th August
Wednesday 8th October
Wednesday 10th December
Please email for any meeting links.

Infection Prevention and Control Primary Care Leads Forum (IPCL)
Open to all Infection Prevention Control leads across Leeds
12:00 – 13:00
Thursday 13th March
Friday 27th June
Tuesday 23rd September

Tuesday 9th December
Please email for any meeting links.
Leeds Nursing Associates Forum
The forum is open to all trainee and Nursing Associates
12:00 – 13:00
Thursday 23rd January
Wednesday 23rd April
Wednesday 23rd July
Thursday 23rd October
Friday 23rd January

Please email for any meeting links.
Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) / Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) Forum
A forum across Leeds for ANP/ACPs to be able to offer peer support and share information.
12:00 – 13:00
Tuesday 18th February
Tuesday 6th May
Monday 5th August
Wednesday 5th November
Please email for any meeting links.
Royal College of Nursing General Practice Nurse (GPN) Forum
Monthly webinars run jointly with NHS England and National Association of Primary Care (NAPC) on topics relevant to general practice with opportunities to share best practice and ask questions of your forum, professional lead and other experts.
GPN forum Webinars 2022-2023 | Royal College of Nursing (