‘Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a practical, evidence-based approach preventing patients and health workers from being harmed by avoidable infections.’ – WHO online 2023, Infection prevention and control GLOBAL (who.int)
‘All providers of health care and adult social care should meet or exceed the Health and Social Care Act 2008 code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance.’ – CQC online 2023, GP mythbuster 99: Infection prevention and control in General Practice – Care Quality Commission (cqc.org.uk)
The key messages of the code according to CQC are:
- preventing and controlling infection ensuring people receive safe and effective care
- all staff must apply this as part of everyday practice
- high standards of infection prevention and cleanliness need good management and processes.
Guidance and Resources
GP IPC main page GP Practices – Infection Prevention Control
National infection prevention and control manual (NIPCM) for England NHS England » National infection prevention and control manual (NIPCM) for England
A-Z Pathogens National Infection Prevention and Control Manual: A-Z Pathogens (scot.nhs.uk)
One-stop-shop document for information, resources and ideas to encourage compliance with IPC measures. Every Action Counts
Fit testing Guidance HSE Fit testing
Hand Hygiene Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene Poster 5 moments HH poster
Full resource index IPC webpage Resources – Infection Prevention Control
IPC Curtains changing every 6 months CQC Guidance – Curtains guidance (mysurgerywebsite.co.uk)
Measles Outbreaks and Guidance
Measles NHS Measles – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Guidance for risk assessment and infection prevention and control measures for measles in healthcare settings NHS England » Guidance for risk assessment and infection prevention and control measures for measles in healthcare settings
Measles swabs PCR, viral Red Pathology – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (leedsth.nhs.uk)
IPC Minutes February 2024 IPC Minutes Document
National Measles Guidelines National measles guidelines April 2024 (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Following the guidance, you require a SOP for how you are dealing with possible measles cases, all the information is in the guidance links above – the triage is one of the most important parts, and not having possible infectious persons entering the surgery.
Notification of measles cases to the Health Protection Team
While case numbers in Yorkshire and Humber remain low, all suspected measles cases should be promptly notified to the local Health Protection Team (HPT) on 0113 386 0300 to facilitate timely public health action, including urgent risk assessment of any vulnerable contacts. Please provide vaccination dates for MMR at time of reporting and detail if a swab has been taken. UKHSA National Measles Guidelines are available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-measles-guidelines
New number for this service will be 0300 3030 234
Staff Vaccination- Leeds.
Staff need to contact the OH provider Sugarman or receive the MMR vaccination from there own GP, which they are able to do as it is part of the routine schedule. Surgeries cannot give the MMR in practice, similar to the Flu, there is no written instruction to do this. If they decline vaccination you need some sort of disclaimer in practice.
Sugarman are commissioned to provide Occupational Health support to GP Practices including vaccination and immunity status testing.
Everybody that sends a PPQ will be screened and offered blood tests and or vaccinations if required.
If they require their existing staff to be screened, then they would need to complete the attached vaccination questionnaire and email it to Vaccinations@sugarmanhealth.com
Please note that exposure of any unvaccinated staff contacts is defined as face-to-face contact of any length of time or spending more than 15 minutes in a confined area with the case e.g. in the same clinical room. Staff should be excluded from work from the 5th day after the first exposure to 21 days after the final exposure unless they have satisfactory evidence of protection (measles IgG or two doses of a measles containing vaccine). Please make sure all health professionals and reception staff are fully protected against measles, mumps and rubella to protect staff and patients and to avoid lengthy exclusion periods applying.
FFFP3 or Hoods
Part of the risk assessment includes provision of FFP3 masks and fit testing for any staff undertaking direct patient care of persons with suspected measles. Practices are responsible for providing FFP3 masks for staff under occupational health regulations through their PPE suppliers. Practices and PCNs can arrange for fit testing of FFP3 masks via Leeds Infection Prevention Control Team at LCH or through an accredited fit testing provider. Find a Tester – fit2fit For more information on FFP3 masks and fit testing please contact the Infection Prevention and Control Team Tel: 0113 843 4511 or infectioncontrolleeds@nhs.net
National Standards

National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021 NHS England » National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021
National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021 for General Practice Cleaning standards for General practice
National infection prevention and control manual (NIPCM) for England NPS CLEANING SPECIFICATION
GP mythbuster 99: Infection prevention and control in General Practice CQC guidance for GP practices
Audit tools
Tools can be used as seen, or adapted to your surgery.
Hand Hygiene audit tool Hand hygiene Audit Tool (infectionpreventioncontrol.co.uk)
Aseptic technique audit tool Aseptic technique procedure Audit Tool for General Practice – Infection Prevention Control
Management of care environment audit tool Safe management of the care environment for Care Homes (infectionpreventioncontrol.co.uk)
IPC training event 13/11/2023 Infection Prevention and Control training event for General Practice and Dental Practice – Infection Prevention Control
e-lfh IPC Training NHSE elfh Hub (e-lfh.org.uk)
High Risk IPC Areas
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
QUICK WATCH: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – What does it mean and why it matters – YouTube
- Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs.
- Sepsis leads to shock, multiple organ failure and death especially if not recognized early and treated promptly.
- Sepsis remains the primary cause of death from infection despite advances in modern medicine, including vaccines, antibiotics, and acute care.
- Millions of people die of sepsis every year worldwide.
- Sepsis has a life changing impact on patients’ lives, and its important you understand the person you care for.
Posters / Leaflets for use in General Practice
IPC Lead Forum
If you’re the IPC lead for your surgery please press the below button for details on how to join the IPCL forum.
Leeds Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Team
The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Team aim to provide timely expert advice. We work in close partnership with Leeds City Council, NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, the voluntary sector, and others.
Our annual programme of work supports clinicians in General Practice across Leeds to deliver Infection Prevention and Control standards, which are aligned to national policies and local priorities serving the population of Leeds.
This includes:
- Monitoring Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI) trends and highlighting areas for IPC intervention.
- Monitoring and surveillance of outbreaks.
- Provision of expert clinical advice and support to staff and public to identify and manage infection incidents and outbreaks including, as appropriate, the facilitation of root cause analysis, clinical case reviews and / or post infection reviews.
- Auditing of IPC standards including environments and hand hygiene to an agreed criteria making recommendations for change, monitoring progress, and reporting to the Trust’s Quality and Safety Committee.
- Developing and delivering IPC education and training programmes.
- Supporting and developing IPC champions.
- Provision of expert IPC advice into the planning of new services, new builds, refurbishments projects and purchasing of new equipment.
Contacts Leeds
Catherine Harrison
IPCN lead for Enhanced Access (Leeds GP Confederation)
Infection Prevention and Control Team
Chapeltown Health Centre, Leeds, LS7 4BB
Telephone: 0113 8434511
Email: Infectioncontrolleeds@nhs.net
Working hours: Monday – Friday 08:00-17:00, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 09:00-17:00
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust – About Infection Prevention and Control