Clinician Resources
Leeds and York partnership NHSFT Learning Disability Services Webpage Home – Learning Disability Service
The information design service for Leeds Disability Service Easy on the i – Learning Disability Service
10 steps to annual review guide Primary care nursing
Constipation toolkit. NHS England » Constipation campaign toolkit
NHS England Podcast – Vaccinating people with a learning disability and autistic people:
Reasonably Adjusted Clinic Toolkit – It has been designed for anyone working within health and social care. This toolkit will provide you with practical resources, guidance, information and data to better support patients with a learning disability. Although asthma focused, the learning and materials are transferable across other long term condition areas. This project has been a collaboration between the North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network and the North East and North Cumbria Respiratory Network
LD passport to health
Autism passport to Health nhs-autism-health-passport.pdf (
From 1 July 2022, all health and social care providers registered with Care Quality Commission (CQC) must ensure that their staff receive training in learning disability and autism, including how to interact appropriately with people with a learning disability and autistic people. This should be at a level appropriate to their role.
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory training on learning disability and autism The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism – elearning for healthcare (
Skills platform learning disabilities training Learning Disabilities training (
Mencap LD and autism training Learning disability and autism training for health and care staff | Mencap
NHS England » Constipation campaign toolkit
Nursing Support in Your Area

Hello my name is Emily.
I am a learning disability nurse (RNLD).
I work in the Health Facilitation Team within Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT).
The Health Facilitation Team are a team of health professionals who work strategically with other professionals. We also create easy reads and accessible information for people with a learning disability.
We offer support to practices about how to care for people with a learning disability.
We have a website with all our accessible resources on
We offer training sessions, consultations, advice and support regarding learning disabilities and annual health checks.
We can review and validate learning disability registers to ensure they are accurate.
I am the link nurse for the following PCN’s- Otley, Armley, Bramley, Wortley and Middleton, LSMP & The Light, Middleton and Hunslet, Woodsley, Yeadon, Beeston, Morley and District, West Leeds.
I am the link nurse for your practice. Please get in touch by emailing or

Hello my name is Anne-Marie
I am a learning disability nurse (RNLD).
I work in the Health Facilitation Team within Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT).
The Health Facilitation Team are a team of health professionals who work strategically with other professionals. We also create easy read and accessible information for people with a learning disability.
We offer support to practices about how to care for people with a learning disability.
We have a website with all our accessible resources on
We offer training sessions, consultations, advice and support regarding learning disabilities and annual health checks.
We can review and validate learning disability registers to ensure they are accurate.
I am the link nurse for the following PCN’s York Road, Wetherby, Seacroft, LS25/26, Crossgates, Chapeltown, Central North Leeds, Burmantofts, Harehills and Richmond Hill Please get in touch by emailing or
Patient Resources
LD Annual health check video for young people NELC SEND Local Offer | Annual Health Check – NELC SEND Local Offer (
Easy Read Guides
Easy Read Guides – Learning Disability Service (
Including –
- Accessible information & Easy Read
- Easy Read Guide
- Easy Read Checklist
Easy Read Image Bank – Downloadable resources.
Image Bank – Learning Disability Service (
Links to other Easy Read resources
Links – Learning Disability Service (
Patient information easy read a-z Leeds teaching hospital
Patient Information Leaflets (
Through the maze Leeds Home – Through the Maze (
Lung project keeping my chest healthy Keeping my chest healthy – Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust (