Health Inequalities

‘Health inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in health across the population, and between different groups within society. These include how long people are likely to live, the health conditions they may experience and the care that is available to them.’

NHS England » What are healthcare inequalities?

NHS England » Ethnicity health

Health Inequalities Learning and Action Group

This member led action group based on Core20PLUS5 framework aims to bring likeminded individuals from primary care, and the wider system, together to share good practice and reduce health inequalities across the healthcare system.

Upcoming topics for discussion include:

  • New Health Inequalities template
  • Primary care contributions to Leeds becoming a Marmot city
  • PCN infographics
  • Tobacco control
  • Social prescribing

Use this form to join the forum, suggest topics for discussion, and submit an example of good practice to present on.

PCN Infographics

Find personalised health profile in the form of an infographic for both adults and children for each PCN in Leeds on the Leeds Observatory – PCN health profiles.

The infographics display high level data to inform meaningful priority setting and action planning. We show the figures in the context of the city average to indicate the statistical significance, which allows PCNs to clearly identify areas that may require additional action and intervention. Each infographic is formed around the Core 20+5 with additional data unique to that particular PCN.

National Health Inequalities Tool Kit

Leeds Health Inequalities Toolkit: This toolkit has been developed by the Leeds Tackling Health Inequalities Group Expert Advisory group (THIG) to help you do just that. It focusses on what healthcare can do to tackle inequalities If we all do something, towards the same goals, we have a much better chance of making a fairer, more equal Leeds, where ‘people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest’ (Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy)

 Tackling Health Inequalities Toolkit April 2022 Update

Health Inequalities Academy :: West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership

West Yorkshire HI Training Link: Racial Inequalities Training FREE and available online: West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership

Training: A brief introduction to inclusion health


CORE20PLUS5 Adults

NHS England » Practical Guide – Tackling inequalities in healthcare access, experience, and outcomes

NHS England » Core20PLUS5 (adults) – an approach to reducing healthcare inequalities

CORE20PLUS5 Children and young people

NHS England » Core20PLUS5 – An approach to reducing health inequalities for children and young people

CORE20PLUS5 Community Connectors

NHS England » Core20PLUS5 Community Connectors

Health inequalities eLearning trainings:

Health inequalities – eLearning for healthcare (


Definitions Primary and Secondary Prevention.

Primordial Prevention and social determinants of health: It consists of risk factor reduction targeted towards an entire population through a focus on social and environmental conditions. Such measures typically get promoted through laws and national policy. Dahlgren and Whitehead model (Chapter 6: social determinants of health – GOV.UK ( These are the areas Local Authority and national government lead on, and at a local level where we work in partnership with Local Care Partnerships Prevention Strategies – Stat Pearls – NCBI Bookshelf (

Primary Prevention: Intervening before ill health effects occur, through measures such as vaccinations, altering ‘risky’ behaviours (poor eating habits, tobacco use), and banning substances known to be associated with a disease or health condition. Prevention Strategies – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf (

 Secondary Prevention—screening to identify diseases in the earliest stages, before the onset of signs and symptoms, through measures such as mammography and regular blood pressure testing.

NHS Long Term Plan » Prevention

Prevention | Local Government Association

Prevention and Public Health

NHS England » Public Health and Prevention

Levels of Prevention Easy Image Definitions of levels of prevention vary somewhat depending on the… | Download Scientific Diagram

National Diabetes Prevention Programme NHS England » NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

NDPP in West Yorkshire PowerPoint Presentation

Diabetes-in-the-Primary-Care-Network-Structure-April-2021_with-logos.pdf (

Lifestyle modification:

Type 2 diabetes – Food and keeping active – NHS (

Cancer Screening Legacy page:

Cancer Wise Leeds – our legacy and resources: Leeds Cancer Programme

Cervical Screening Programme:

Primary Care Support · CSAS

19198 PCSE PNL Guide_v4.indd (

Video Links 

Smoking cessation Leeds video

(158) Every Body Can weight management programme delivered by One You Leeds. – YouTube

(158) What is Alcohol? – from Forward Leeds Young People’s Team – YouTube

Person Centred Care

Equitable, accessible person-centred care

Leeds Libraries for NHS Staff: Leeds Libraries for NHS Staff: Calendar Health Literacy Awareness Training Session.

Accessible information standard information.

People living with Dementia from diverse ethnic minority populations – new resources from NHS England 

NHS England launched the below resources in Dementia Action Week:

  • Free e-Learning module to support increased knowledge of how care can be improved for people from ethnic minority communities throughout the dementia care pathway: 
  • Guide on intercultural dementia care.
  • Activity booklets within appropriate care settings: 

Booklet designed for people of diverse south Asian origins; and another for people of diverse Black African and Caribbean origins.