Vaccination and Immunisation

Vaccine– A substance used to stimulate immunity to a particular infectious disease or pathogen, typically prepared from an inactivated or weakened form of the causative agent or from its constituents or products.  

Immunisation -The process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. Vaccs & Imms are a usually one of the first areas in primary care which a GPN learns.

With vaccines we have the ability to stop preventable disease and protect the most vulnerable people in our communities. The UK schedule vaccines are free for all, the first of which are the primary immunisations as a baby. 

 There are standards and competencies to be achieved before a clinician is able to administer vaccines. The understanding of what and how vaccines work alongside side effects and benefits, is integral to offering this service to families. Uptake of vaccines can be challenging and sharing best practice helps to make sure we reach everyone. 

Vaccinators must attend update training annually.   

Subscribe to weekly round ups of global issues and vaccination updates.  UK Health Security Agency ( 

Adult Vaccination programmes toolkit 24/25 

Tuberculosis (TB) Awareness – BCG Referrals  

Please refer a child requiring a BCG from a country with a high prevalence of TB ≥ 40/100,000 or meets the criteria for BCG vaccination:  

Prior to completing the referral, please ensure the child:  

Does NOT have a previous scar indicating the vaccination has already been given.   

Does NOT have documentation or record (including information on System1 or PPM) of previous vaccination.  

The referral forms can be located on the ‘Leeds Health Pathways’  

  • Search – BCG referral pathway  
  • Select – Referral info and form  
  • Chose the appropriate form   
  • Children under the age of 12 months will need to be referred to The Maternity LTHT baby BCG clinic (Form A).  
  • Children aged 12 months and over will need to be referred to the Leeds BCG clinic. (Form B).   

For any enquires please do not hesitate to contact the TB Service on 0113 8434344

ImmForm Log On Page & Account Register

ImmForm enables the Department of Health, UK Health Security Agency and the National Health Service to:

  • Collect data on vaccine uptake for immunisation programmes
  • Collect data on incidence of influenza (flu)
  • Provide vaccine ordering facilities for the NHS.  

Sign in | ImmForm | UKHSA

How to register: ImmForm helpsheet – GOV.UK

General Leeds Information 

Vaccine updates – sign up for these to be emailed to you directly. Vaccine update – GOV.UK ( 

Leeds TB Service

Leeds School Immunisation Team Page LCH 0-19 Health and Wellbeing – School Immunisation ( 

Leeds School Immunisation Team Email: 

Leeds School Immunisation Team Telephone: 0113 843 3101 

Screening and Imms Team SIT email

West Yorkshire SIT email Duty Box (Mon-Fri 9-5) :