
Respiratory includes Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other breathing related conditions.

Within Primary Care, Asthma and COPD are the most commonly reviewed.


The aim of this document is to provide guidance for commissioners and clinicians to the skills, knowledge and training required by healthcare professionals working with patients with a respiratory condition in a primary or community care setting Layout 1 (


GOLD – Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease 2023 2023 GOLD Report – Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease – GOLD

Standard Operating Procedure for spirometry ARTP SpirometryStandardOperatingProcedure2023v1.pdf

NHS Rightcare COPD Pathway NHS RightCare » Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Pathway (

West Yorkshire COPD Management and Prescribing Guideline COPD_Management_and_Prescribing_Guidelines_0224.pdf (


West Yorkshire formulary Adult Asthma Management and Prescribing Guideline ( 

ICST West Yorkshire Asthma Guideline Adult-Asthma-Diagnostic-Guideline.pdf (

West Yorkshire Adult Asthma Prescribing Guidelines West-Yorkshire-Adult-Asthma-Management-Guidelines-v1.0-March2023-1.pdf

NHS Rightcare Asthma Tool Kit NHS RightCare » Asthma toolkit (

Asthma WHO Asthma (

New BTS/NICE/SIGN asthma guideline PCRS guide  New asthma guidelines infographic

Asthma: diagnosis, monitoring and chronic asthma management 2024 Overview | Asthma: diagnosis, monitoring and chronic asthma management (BTS, NICE, SIGN) | Guidance | NICE 

Childhood Asthma Pathway


British Thoracic Guidelines (BTS) Guidelines | British Thoracic Society | Better lung health for all (

NICE Guidelines Respiratory conditions | Topic | NICE

NHS Long Term Plan Respiratory Disease NHS England » Respiratory disease

Asthma Medication  

Inhaler Choices 

Inhaler choices ( 

NICE guidance inhalers patient decision aid NG80 Asthma inhalers and the environment patient decision aid ( 

Asthma Reviews 

Building blocks to a good asthma review Layout 1 ( 

myCOPD Licenses Available in Leeds

myCOPD is the first NHS approved, evidence based, digital self-management app for patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COPD. myCOPD provides:

  • demonstration of inhaler technique
  • education
  • a clinical management plan
  • the ability to record symptoms and CAT scores
  • pulmonary rehabilitation.

Research has shown that myCOPD can improve inhaler technique by 95%, reduce exacerbation rate, speed up recovery post exacerbation and can be used as a mode of delivery for pulmonary rehabilitation.

Leeds has been distributing licenses for patients to use the app since June 2020. We still have 1,369 licenses for use with patients in Leeds and encourage you and your practices to distribute these to support self-management of COPD. Training and supporting resources are available – please get in touch with Lydia Robson from Leeds Public Health for more information (

Clinician Specific Websites

Rightbreathe RightBreathe

Breathing exercises at the bottom of the page LCH Respiratory Service (

Primary Care respiratory society Inspiring best practice in respiratory care | Primary Care Respiratory Society (

Diagnosing the problem right test right time. Asthma and Lung UK Diagnosing the problem: Right test, right time | Asthma + Lung UK ( 

Stop smoking guidance and help Better Health Quit Smoking | Campaigns | Campaign Resource Centre (

Leeds Stop Smoking Services Home | Leeds Stop Smoking Services

Community Healthcare team for COPD

LCH Respiratory Service (

Tel: 0113 843 4200

Respiratory team leaflet 2017.pdf

GP referral into LCH respiratory team. COPD Leeds pathway Link


Respiratory disease | Health Education England (  Includes respiratory training directory.  

Respiratory Disease Training Guide.pdf ( Document listing all respiratory training with links  

Respiratory Quality Improvement Programme for West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (Free to sign up) West Yorkshire

ELfH Respiratory Respiratory Disease – elearning for healthcare

New GOLD guidelines training slides GOLD-2023_teaching-slide-set-v1.2-17Feb23.pptx

GOLD Spirometry slide set GOLD_Spirometry_2010_CorxFeb11.ppt


Patient Information Websites

Asthma & Lung UK Asthma + Lung UK

Asthma NHS Asthma – NHS

Asthma Patient UK Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Patient

COPD Patient UK Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | COPD | Patient

COPD NHS Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – NHS

Allergen avoidance leaflet  – Thermo fisher Allergen Fact Sheets | Allergy Insider ( 

Over the counter allergen medications FUSION Allergy | Protection For All The Family (