Safeguarding means protecting a person’s health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It is an integral part of providing high-quality health care. Safeguarding children, young people and adults is a collective responsibility.
Training and Requirements

RCGP supplementary guide to safeguarding training requirements for all primary care staff Safeguarding training requirements for Primary Care
Safeguarding Passport – Passport
Use this passport to evidence your safeguarding hours
Level 3 safeguarding for GPN’s and Nursing Associates
Level 2 safeguarding for HCA’s
Leeds Safeguarding Training Schedule Course Information: April 2025/26
All safeguarding training included on this schedule has been developed with a view to supporting practitioners to meet Level 3 Competencies and is designed for GPs and those in primary care who require Level 3 Safeguarding Training. This years schedule coming soon.
Safeguarding Level 3: Virtual Training Digest
The aim of this document is to provide staff with information regarding the current safeguarding agenda, and to direct colleagues to resources which will support personal learning and reflection on safeguarding practice. This years digest coming soon.
NSPCC NSPCC Learning homepage – safeguarding training and resources
Practitioners resources Leeds safeguarding partnership Practitioners | Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership
CQC safeguarding children myth busters GP mythbuster 33: Safeguarding children – Care Quality Commission
CQC Safeguarding Safeguarding people – Care Quality Commission
Safeguarding children statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children
NHS Safeguarding NHS England » About NHS England Safeguarding
RCGP Good practice safeguarding Good practice safeguarding in general practice
Child protection & safeguarding resources Leeds for Learning Child Protection and Safeguarding resources | Leeds for Learning
Adult social care referral Leeds .Gov Professionals: care referrals and safeguarding reports
Practitioners toolkit Leeds safeguarding children’s partnership Practitioners Tool Kit | Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership
Patient Information
Refuge , women and children against domestic violence Home | Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Leeds domestic Violence service Home – LDVS 24 hour helpline on 0113 246 0401
Leeds Clinical Information
Extranet Leeds ICB – Safeguarding – Leeds Health and Care Partnership – Primary Care Extranet Use link and a password is required.